Friday, August 16, 2013

Best Ever Thrift Store find!!!!

Hello, and I hope everyone has enjoyed this summer as I have!  Extremely busy, but a good busy!

Just have to show you that there are true treasures at the Thrift Store!  Treasures are there, even junk items are treasures to me!!  Besides the hunt and surprise that sometimes you find JUST what you were wanting!

                         Beautiful Floor Mirror
What do you think!  Score?  And hard to believe the price was $68.00 yes but
Half off that day!  I know, no way, yes way! 
 I only had to dust, clean and shine the mirror! 

Love the detail, beveled mirror and just everything!  I am one lucky person to have this beautiful floor mirror, I tried so many rooms but the Master bedroom was the place.  I knew it would work somewhere in our house!  I had been admiring them on Pinterest, even the DIy one!s, can't believe I have one!

Wishing you happy hunting for your treasure!

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