Monday, October 3, 2011

Pussy Willow DIY and Fall Decor with Halloween!!

So many love this time of year, fall decor and Halloween, and I am no exception!  My husband says "next I will have holiday toilet paper in the bathroom"!  Hum, let me think on that one!  Some spiky paper perhaps???

I want to share some of my fall and Halloween decor with you, who better to appreciate this madness!  I love it, it puts a smile on my face, actually, I have a terrible smile in pictures, so I will say it puts a smile inside my sole!

I even went out and pulled up some pussy willows in my neighborhood, no not at any residents, but along the water ways nearby.  I spray painted them black and orange.  Black came out nice, but the expensive orange color I wanted did not take as well as the cheap black spray can?  Enough talk, take a look and see what you think?


remember the black chippy hutch
I did?  So glad I kept it, can't wait
to arrange for all the Holidays!

I have an idea for pumpkins that I hope to add to the POST

Enjoy the Fall!
Have you had as much CANDY CORN as me???  :{

Linking to:



  1. LOOKS GREAT! you know you cant listen to the hubby right!

  2. How pretty! I love your Fall decor. I have not seen pussy willows in years, I loved them.

  3. I found you from Villabarnes. Love how you coordinated your fall colors. The last time I saw pussy willows was when I lived in NJ, that was over 30 years ago they use to grow wild in our yard. Great job you should be proud of yourself. I'm your newest follower. Would love to have you visit.

  4. I'm glad you kept the hutch too! I love it! It looks great how you filled it. :)

  5. I really like that arrangement at your front door with the pussy willows. And your dining room looks great. So clever to use creepy masks on the pumpkins -- gonna look into that!
    :) CAS

  6. Hi, thanks for stoppingby! I love your black hutch.. what are you going to put in it for Thanksgiving?? andrea@townandprairie

  7. I haven't had any candy corn, it isn't as popular in Canada as it is in the US obviously, because I haven't even seen it here yet.
    I love your cat-tails, what a great idea it is to spray paint them.
    All of your Fall decor looks lovely and so warm, I love it.
    Hugs, Cindy

  8. Love your fall vignette and your beautiful black hutch!

  9. That's so cute! I love how the colors are in orange and black...perfect for Halloween! I love pussy willows. They make such great decorations. I recently just got pussy willow light from They look so beautiful especially at night time.

  10. Beautiful! Your pussy willows are actually called cattails, though! :)


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