Friday, February 12, 2016

BE MY VALENTINE Wreath and DIY Decor

Wishing tons of LOVE to all:

I wanted to do a new Wreath for Valentines Day and this one was so easy, I will show you what I used.  But here is the finished Wreath first.

It was a snowy week-end and perfect for indoor projects.

I had purchased the heart and peat moss from the Dollar Store!  I knew I wanted to use peat moss but was thinking ??? what to use for a heart shape backing?  This find was perfect!  I attached the hook from the top of a wire clothes hanger first.  Then hot glued the peat moss on my heart.

The little pine cones were from previous gatherings around my property.  I
just painted the tips and used craft wire to attach.
                                Easy, which is my favorite DIY's 

My DIY supervisor tried to stay awake!

One more picture,  then on to some
Decor from things I had around the house.

Made those candles with Heart candies years ago.

Just thumb tacked a doily to a piece of wood for a little candle display.

My favorite, I just used burlap, vintage eyelet lace and ribbon.

Just a hot plate, older candles, and 
little plastic hearts that look like glass from, yes the Dollar Store.
I check that store every Holiday,  and buy what I like and may use someday!

Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day!
I will leave you with a picture of our backyard scene we woke up to during my crafting for Valentine Decorations.

Take Care, 

Sharing at these Parties:


  1. Love your wreath and I adore how you decorated the candles with burlap!! So sweet!! Thanks so much for dropping by!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!!


  2. These are all beautiful and perfect for Valentine's day, or any day when you are feeling loved. Thanks for the post.

  3. Your wreath is so pretty! I really like the natural look of could hang inside or outside. Your cat is beautiful!!

    Hope you'll link with us for Thoughts of Home on Thursday. We'd love to have you.

  4. These wreaths and Crab Felt Finger Puppets are perfect for decoration in any Valentine’s Day party. I would love to have them for my next party. Have booked one of Chicago venues and going to arrange other things.


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