I am so Glittery and Merry with my Putz House Craft!
It's hard to capture the awesome glittery shimmer, but they put a happy spot
in my heart.
You can have a tea light through a hole in the back.
Putz houses started in Germany with cardboard, mostly from candy boxes. Before World War 11 the the Japanese added glitter and a hole in the back for lights. I have loved these Vintage houses which has had my attention for a few years.
I have never found any original vintage ones. So I order my cardboard houses, and found myself cutting out shutters, doors, altered roofs and added chimneys from cardboard. You can make your own houses from many patterns online, but I did not have the time to go that route. I am so pleased with ordering them and I will give you a few tips on what I did.
craft paints
Elmer's glue
glue stick
hot glue gun
small variety of paint brushes
mini trees and other mini Christmas goodies
container with water and soap to clean brushes
small container to put your Elmer's glue in (easier to apply with a brush)
Easy and so much fun!
Paint the houses the colors you prefer.
Then hot glue the house to painted cardboard base. I traced a line where I wanted each house to be placed, then hot glued the line and placed house. Adheres fast!
I used stick glue to add my shutters and doors.
Your hot glue is your best friend, but gets very hot, be careful. My daughter, who unfortunately
lives across the map, did hers and burned her hand. We worked together by phone and messages
sharing pictures. She was able to do hers with her daughters, poor Mom was all alone, but I was
like a kid doing them.
Use smaller brushes for applying Elmer's Glue to your areas for glitter, it is fun and the glitter goes
on well and dries fast. Use glitter that has a shaker, much easier, and I put a container under my house so glitter is not everywhere, and can be used later. Have fun, and give yourself a good size work area. There is a lot of mini accessories to gather from stores to add to your houses.
The train set was at the Dollar Tree, so home it came to add a small tree and of course glitter!
Have fun and Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!
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